Ministries for Development
Spiritual Development
We believe that faith is a journey, and that we should always be challenging, learning, and growing in our spiritual lives. To meet these needs, we offer spiritual development opportunities outside of worship, through Sunday school classes (for all ages), special programs (such as Lenten Suppers), and small groups.
Piano & Organ Music Scholarships
Annually, our Memorial Gifts Ministry Team awards the Michael P. and Lorena K. Schmitt Piano & Organ Music Scholarships to help Bethlehem members develop their musical talents by providing funds for piano and organ lessons. Applications are received over the summer, and scholarships are awarded in September.
Merom Camp Scholarships
At Bethlehem, we understand the importance of church camp in the spiritual development of youth. As a result, we offer a 50% scholarship (known as a camp-arship) for our youth who want to attend a session at Merom (about an hour north of Evansville) during the summer months.
Campus Connection
Letters of support and small gifts are sent to Bethlehem’s college students during finals week each semester, so they will be reminded of the love and support always present at their home congregation.
August & Connie Koch Scholarship
The August & Connie Koch Scholarship is awarded annually by the Memorial Committee. High School seniors and/or college students that will be earning a degree in education or a health care field may apply. Interested persons may pick up an application from Sherry in the church office, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM — 3:00 PM. The award is presented during a 10:15 AM worship service in July.