UCC Disaster Relief | Bethlehem United Church of Christ

UCC Disaster Relief

Several people have asked about Bethlehem’s and the United Church of Christ’s response to the devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.  The United Church of Christ is always on the forefront of helping those in need.

Here are some things to know

·        Every year we at Bethlehem, take up a special offering that is called OGHS (One Great Hour of Sharing).  Your gift makes it possible for the United Church of Christ Disaster Relief Ministries to already be at work providing services in coordination with our other mission partners like Church             World Service (the CROP walk), and other faith communities.  The monies you give to that offering allow us to be on the ground offering direct aid.

·        Here is a website that will help you see more about our money at work through the United Church of Christ http://www.ucc.org/disaster

·        The United Church of Christ provides immediate assistance and we also focus on the long-term recovery. 

You know, that once the glamor has worn off and the media moves on to new issues, the disaster victims often get forgotten and become invisible.  Many excellent organizations provide immediate aid but soon move on. That happened after Katrina.  But the United Church of Christ maintained a presence in the area for many years following that hurricane to help coordinate, serve, and advocate for those whose needs continued.

·        Every year Bethlehem sends our people (and others) to Back Bay Mission in Biloxi and other disaster sites around the country to provide ongoing help. 

·        If you want more info on the United Church of Christ response to the current disaster go to http://www.ucc.org/disaster_hurricane_harvey

·        If you want to make a donation to provide immediate and long-term help for the victims go to https://transactions.ucc.org/CampaignForm/UCChrist/Hurricane+Harvey+relief

·        For more info on OGHS (One Great Hour of Sharing) check out this site and look at some of the videos. http://www.ucc.org/oghs_oghs-videos