Margaret Eberhart

Margaret Eberhart resides in Evansville with her husband, Greg and her two children, Ella (9), and Pearce (6). The Eberharts have been members of Bethlehem UCC since 2012. Margaret is a graduate of Transylvania University in Lexington, KY where she studied History and Communications. In 2015, after 12 years working as a project manager for a logistics software company Margaret started her own custom embroidery business, Cotton Cottage, LLC. Margaret is an active member at Tri-State Athletic Club where she enjoys dancing and playing tennis. Margaret and her family had so much fun refreshing the Sunday School rooms last summer. The work inspired Margaret to take advantage of the opportunity to lead the children and youth at Bethlehem. She is passionate about helping our youngest members grown in their faith and can’t wait to see the plans God has for our youth!